Purposefully Living

Motivational Message

Week of October 28, 2002 Edition


The Search Is Over
By Audrina Jones Bunton

On the journey of life, we often search outside resources to bring us happiness, fulfillment and strength. Fame or fortune will not bring us happiness, and although family and friends can offer strength and support at the low points in our lives, there comes a time when nothing or no one can give us what we need. It is during this time that we must reach deep inside and find our own strengths. Reach and search your soul until you discover the magnificent being that you really are.

If you have ever conquered a fearful situation, withstood a life changing event or overcame an obstacle that threatened to destroy your existence -- the same inner strength that brought you this far -- will carry you through your life's journey.

For the happiness, fulfillment, and strength that you seek, cannot be found in the world around you, in your loved ones, or in material possessions. The journey does not end --the search is not over -- until you search within.

The search is over -- when you search within.

Copyright © 2002 by Audrina Jones Bunton. REPRINTING THIS ARTICLE: Permission is granted to reproduce or distribute this article only in its entirety and provided copyright is acknowledged. You can find other articles to choose from at http://www.purposefully-living.com/mailing%20list.htm


Think About It!!
"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." Christopher Reeve

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