Purposefully Living

Motivational Message

Issue 29
Week of June 9-13, 2003


Hope and Restoration in the Valley
By Audrina Jones Bunton

The bible tells a story about the prophet Ezekiel who envisioned a valley full of dry bones. God led Ezekiel back and forth in the midst of this valley, surrounded by dry bones. God asked Ezekiel "Can these bones live?" Ezekiel replied, "God, only you can answer that." God commanded Ezekiel to speak life into the many dry bones. Ezekiel prophesied to the bones as God commanded, and before he finished speaking, he heard a rattling noise as the bones came together, bone to bone. As he looked, muscle and skin covered the bones, but the bones still had no life. Then God commanded him to speak life into the bones, and as he spoke the words, an amazingly great host came back to life and stood upon their feet.

The bones in Ezekiel's vision symbolized the people of Israel, whose lives seemed as hopeless as dry bones coming to life. Humanly speaking, their future seemed as hopeless as that of a skeleton regaining flesh and coming back to life. Oh how hopeless the situations in their lives seemed.

During this time of economic hardship and distress, you too, may find yourself in the midst of a valley. In the midst of a valley that seems hopeless. Your valley may be a life of loneliness or sorrow. Your valley may be a life of struggling with finances, ill health, or tarnished relationships. Your valley may be a life of indecision, of not knowing which way to turn. Whatever that valley may be, know that just as Ezekiel witnessed -- there is hope in your valley.

Don't lose hope -- because if you lose hope, your become lifeless spiritually, mentally and physically. Make the decision today, that you will speak life into your situation with positive words. Then take the necessary actions today, to regain that hope into your situation.

Free yourself from the valley of fear and hopelessness that captivates you from making that change--because only you can.

There is hope in the valley -- there is hope in YOUR valley.

Copyright 2003 by Audrina Jones Bunton. REPRINTING THIS ARTICLE: Permission is granted to reproduce or distribute this article only in its entirety and provided copyright is acknowledged. You can find other articles to choose from at http://www.purposefully-living.com/mailing%20list.htm


Think About It!!
"Freedom is not something that anybody can be given. Freedom is something people take, and people are as free as they want to be." -- James Baldwin

"Freedom lies in being bold." -- Robert Frost

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